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Physical Distancing Postcards


Building Community in a Crisis

An opportunity to remind a friend or community member that they are cared for and loved


The Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19

Humans are social creatures.

As we continue to follow physical distancing rules, health experts are becoming increasingly concerned about the emotional impact of these lost connections.

Many people in our community are experiencing anxiety, loneliness, and depression as a consequence of physical distancing.

it’s very important that we are recognizing that mental illness is going to be the next wave of this epidemic.
— Sandro Galea, Dean at Boston University's School of Public Health

Make Someone’s Day

Like you, we want to be making a positive impact on the lives of others during this pandemic.

Whether it’s through the Facebook CareMongering groups, cloth masks for front-line workers, or the handwritten letters sent to retirement homes, we are loving the creative ways our community is coming together.

If you are looking for a unique opportunity to build community and make someone’s day, check out our physical distancing postcards below!

Physical Distancing Postcards

Every postcard comes with a stamp so you don’t have to worry about going to the post office


Physical Distancing Postcards by Sarah

The theme for our first set of postcards is ‘physically distancing fruit’, and it was created by Sarah, a member of HOPE House in Guelph, Ontario.

Here are some ideas for who to write a postcard to:

1. Friend or family member that you miss

2. An organization or community hero you admire

3. A stranger through our Community Postcards Movement (learn more below)


There’s nothing like receiving a handwritten message

Virtual connections just aren’t as meaningful as receiving a handwritten postcard from someone that cares about you - it’s the perfect blend of warm-and-fuzzies.

By sending a postcard to someone, you are taking that extra step to show that you thinking of them, and that you care for them.

There are so many little things we can do to stay connected and bring joy to those around us – this is a big one. Your words matter.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
— Maya Angelou

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Purchase our Postcards Today

Don’t miss an opportunity to make someone’s day by reminding them that they are cared for and loved

Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards Physical Distancing Postcards
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Physical Distancing Postcards
from CA$4.00

Our first set of postcards have a theme of physical distancing fruits!

Every physical distancing postcard includes a matching envelope and a lettermail stamp, good for delivering your note anywhere across Canada.

Worried about buying too many postcards? Through our Community Postcard Movement, we’ll share with you a list of community members who would love to have a postcard so you can brighten a stranger’s day!

Click here to learn more about our postcards!

Already have stamps or don’t need them? Enter the discount code ‘IDONTNEEDSTAMPS’ at checkout and we’ll take 15% off the price.


Proceeds go to The Wellness Project

100% of the proceeds from our Physical Distancing Postcard sales will help fund The Wellness Project, a collaboration between Lakeside HOPE House and The Community Company.

The Wellness Project is building community in a time of crisis by delivering surprise Wellness Boxes to individuals & families who need it most.


The Community Postcard Movement

We’ve created a list of community members who would love to have a surprise postcard


Add to our Community Postcard List

If you, someone you know, or an organization would benefit from receiving a surprise handwritten postcard in the mail, please share with us a name, an address, and any messages to include on the card.

We’ll be the messenger! Every week, we’re setting aside 15 free postcards to mail to our community. We will also provide customers an opportunity to send a surprise postcard on your behalf.


About the Artist

Sarah and her daughter painted the designs for our first set of physical distancing postcards.

She is a member of HOPE House and a creator for The Community Company:

“Selling artwork that I’ve created is a great accomplishment of mine. A lot of energy and myself goes into the art, so it’s nice when other people treasure that kind of thing and really enjoy the meaning of it.”

“My dream job would be turning my passions of art, painting, and crocheting into a career. ”

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